I started this site in January of this year after one of my oldest and dearest friends insisted that I should do so. Her exact words I believe, with some editorial help, were "You should turn your journal into a blog, you would be hilarious!". I have always told folks I was funny, I was just happy someone finally caught on.
So at the turn of 2008 I turned the tangible journal I had been keeping for the boys into an electronic version. I liked the idea of allowing my friends and family to keep up with us and for me to meet some like minded (or not so like minded) folks.
I started my journey slowly. I joined what I think is the best social network ever and have met some of the most talented and supportive group of mature, professional people out there. Prior to joining Cre8Buzz I though social networks were for teenagers and elderly pedophiles. I was mistaken.
As my journey continued I added a few tools to my arsenal to make my efforts easier. I began reading other sites and took their ques. I waded through all of the widgets and found some that I liked and thought might be beneficial. I wanted to see where readers where coming from so I added a traffic widget. I wanted to see just how funny I was so I added sitemeter. I wanted to follow some of my favorite folks so I added Twitter.
I am certainly not a professional blogger yet, but I do think I have a good handle on the tools available to bloggers. My concern is that I, or we, are duplicating our work or creating too much work for ourselves. I notice as I cruise through my accounts that many of the same people are in the networks. So in an effort to assist my neurotic ways I created a list. The list consists of all my memberships in on line communities or tools.
What I ask of you is to do the same in a post and link back to it in the comments here. That way you do not have to make the list twice and others will benefit from your info as well.
1. Cre8Buzz
5.Blog Catalog
6. Technorati
7. Stumble
8. Fuel My Blog
9. EntreCard
10. MomBloggersclub
11. BrightKite
12. LinkedIn
Twitter, plurk, facebook, linkedin, cre8buzz, Technorati, and Stumble. I feel like I don't give any of them enough attention.....I've spread myself too thin. I just don't see how some people do it all and have a job and manage their family, husband and everything else in life. I can't do it....
yes lets give twitter, plurk smerk. linedead, cre7butts, technorati, stumble, bumble, more attention, by all means...then we can put husband on the back burner
Lmao at social networks are for elderly pedophiles. I sure hope not. This reminds me of a blog I wrote about being on too many social media sites. Hope you don't mind me posting it. http://sogeshirts.blogspot.com/2008/05/social-media-unsocial-me.html
I USED A GADGET TO GET SOME PICTURES THAT YOU WOULD ENJOY ON BARLOWPUTZ...you can now see why i so much like you, i have carbon copies of you in my daughter and my wife
I will have to check some of these out. I do facebook and twitter for blog, LinkedIn for work stuff, and I am an utter idiot when it comes to the rest.
The one that gets most of my attention is Cre8buzz. Then there's mybloglog and blogcatalog. Then, if I remember correctly, the ones I don't do a thing with, but have signed up are Spicy Page, Bumpzee, Fuel my blog.... oh gosh, I know there are more but I forget all the places I've even registered.
OH... almost forgot. A smaller, but growing bloglisting, not necessarily a social networking site but will generate some attention to your blog is blogdumps.com. Go there and register, and say hi to Wolfbernz for me.
hi crooked, can't wait to see how you reacted to my fam
I am *overwhelmed* with the numbers of different social networking site out there!!! I stress myself out constantly wondering, "Am I missing something RIGHT NOW if I'm not twittering or plurking or in constant contact?" Yet I'm sending you friend requests anyway. :O)
Great post -- thanks for the list; I had no idea there were so many networks out there. I'm just now getting involved and have already found it hard to keep up with it all.
By the way, thanks for stopping by lately. I've enjoyed your comments and your posts; I'm passing on some "blog love" that I received. You'll find the info and a link to your blog in my latest post.
I've joined a bunch, but what I've realized is that they take up too much of my time that should be spent with family. That's why I'm only active on Cre8buzz. Hanging out there and reading blogs takes a lot of my time, but I really love it.
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