Laundry is a never ending task in this house, much like yours, I am sure. I normally begin the process on Sunday and it may end on Thursday. I have no specific way of washing and drying, other than the usual separation of colors and towels. I do, however, have a certain method of putting the laundry in it's proper place.
Once the laundry is dry I throw it on the master bed. The items are then sorted by owner and there is a "linens" pile. So I have a pile for Little Man, The Babe, the adults, and towels. I then take it to the appropriate place and put it away. This sounds a lot more time consuming than it is but it works for me.
The adult clothes are usually put away last and while doing so I separate those that need to be folded versus hung up. This is all so exciting isn't it? Well today as I was hanging up my clothes I realize that two shirts I had placed in my pile were actually Little Man's. I was freaking out. Not because they were not "in their place", but because during separation I actually thought they were mine! I know his growth is inevitable, especially with a Grandaddy that is about (or once about) 6' 6" and another two that were over 6' 2" with the width to match. What freaked me out is that one day, if he were my daughter that is, we could share clothes! One day he will not only be taller than me, but taller than hubs!
Hopefully while he is looking down at us he will still be looking up to us.

This is so me. I am not a total organized person, but there are a few things that I just have to have a certain way. I am slightly a control freak. Just slightly. LOL
I can totally relate to this; my "baby boy" is now 6 feet tall! Of course, he loves to rest his chin on my head. I really liked this post; your sudden awareness was sweet.
P.S. Forgot to mention: Nice Bod there, Girlfriend! (saw Piper's pics). I haven't had a stomach like that since 3rd grade :( Looks like you had a ball...
I am not even ready for that..I can barely handle that my baby is no longer a baby.
I feel your pain on the "Good God my kid is going to stare down his nose at me by age 10" thing. I just hope Sumo can carry ME soon because his heavy arse is literally tearing my wrist up as I have to haul it around!
do you know wht is wrong with kids nowadays...well i'll tell you...everything is mine, mmine, mine......they are not grateful, e i wonder how they keep track of stuff, nice things people do( well you did that for so and so and you are my mother too)
Yeah, I have no idea what I'm going to do when my sons, who already out number little ol me, are towering over me as I 'try' to get on to them or something. Their Dad is 6'5", I'm 5'9"... you wanna do the math? I'm think age 12, and they will be running over me.
First of all, I'm supposed to be separating my towels when I do laundry?!? News to me...
I do the exact same thing with putting fresh laundry directly on my bed. Sometimes, however, this backfires, as I'm easily distracted and occasionally find myself without a usable bed at midnight when I'm ready for sleep. :\
PS: As I was reading this post, a little email popped up on my screen that you'd left me a comment on Cre8Buzz (where I've admittedly neglected my duties) - What are the odds? :)
my daughter used to be a terrific blogger, but as a school tescher and then entertaining pepole who visit her who wants to go to myrtle beach, she has let down, but you can still find her on
I guess I have always done the folding right at the dryer - probably because it had a horizontal surface that the dog couldn't reach.
Then it got distributed to the various boys' beds - and woe to the one who didn't put it away!
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