There are a couple of "rules" for those who receive this award:
1. Put the logo on your blog.
2. Add a link to the person who awarded you.
3. Nominate at least seven other blogs.
4. Add links to those blogs on your blog.
5. Leave a message for your nominee on their blog.
Here are my nominees:
1. www.doobleh-vay.blogspot.com
2. www.heydtwylie.blogspot.com
3. www.2writehands.com
4. www.thecrookedmaple.blogspot.com
5. www.whylawyerssuck.blogspot.com
6. www.piperoflove.blogspot.com
7. www.bunslife.blogspot.com
8. www.halfpastkissintime.com
9. www.cheaperthantherapyjen.blogspot.com
10. www.coltempo.wordpress.com
The ladies of these blogs are all amazing. They each have a different story to tell and tell it with humor and honesty. A couple I know in real life and a couple I have recently met on line. Either way, I read them often because they never cease to inspire me and make me smile. Enjoy!
I'm honored, thanks so much of thinking of me! *blush*
thank you so much beauty. I am so honored! xoxoxoxox
your first bling! great job, you deserve it!
You have picked some amazing blogs to hand this award out too!!
And congrats on your "bling"!!
Oh goodness!! Thank you for thinking of little ol me!
I think it's time for another awards ceremony...
Oh my. That's so kind of you to think of me like that! I feel like my blog has suffered all summer long so this was a complete honor! Thanks so, so much!
crap! Thanks!! I swear the first time I read this, I was like...what is she talking about? I'm not on here....my brain is just not all here lately!!!
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