I had previously mastered this look with hubs for public settings. You know ladies, when your husband says something inappropriate or embarrasses himself and you are trying to tell him without words. Hubs is pretty good about recognizing this look but I recently realized that Little Man recognizes it too.
It is a glorious day when all you have to do is give the look and get results. Now I don't have to give him instructions multiple times. I don't have to worry about his hearing, because I know he sees me! Today I utilized the look at the dinner table and received an instant response. I heard angels sing and my mother's voice.
I know there will come a day the Little Man, like me, will get a little too big for his britches. He may do what I did to Mom and decide to call my bluff while in public. I was known to say to mom after one of her "reminders", "why are you kicking me mom?". This was not received well but mom rarely if ever pursued the issue until we got home. I am not sure I will have that much will power to keep my mouth shut. I may have to pull him by the ear to the ladies room and really embarrass him.
So tell me. What techniques do you use to get your kids attention without words?
Jesus you were a cute kid!
I have a look as well. A complete death stare. :)
My baby is just 9 months.. Looks like I learn something from you.. The look part really works I think. I still remember my mum;s looks when I was younger.
I use the ear twist and a death stare. Word everytime. OR I start counting 1,2 and by the time I get to 3 he has stopped.. He knows that if I get to three he loses a toy for good. :)
And I agree with Maria.. you were an adorable kid!!!
I don't have any secrets . . yet!
Great blog -- I've been cracking up over and over reading these posts! I'll definitely be back.
Thanks for stopping by my blog. :)
Well, the first thing I do is hop into my time machine....
and goodness you were a cutie...
Based on the responses to my grade school pic I think I will post more!
Maria: I would be scared to death to be in the line of your death stare!
Atniz: I think the look is something we inherit from our moms!
Kim: We do the counting too but always successfully!
Rachel: Thanks for coming by!
X: I hope it doesn’t have to take you too far into the future ☺
OMG the look! My mother was the master and I'm so happy to report that I inherited that wonderful ability myself LOL! Works like a charm on dogs, cats, kids, and husbands :)
yep, you are my daughter, that is a description of karen...the red hair is a little differemt...but your build is her build, and your actions at that age are the same...when she got older it was so many men so little time....she is to be visited, she is back blogging...please do on young yap.blogspot.com
God, do I remember "the look" my dad would give us 5 kids growing up - I think I still have nightmares about it LOL!!!! I, too, have a look, but I know its not as scary as my dad's was! Usually if it gets extremely bad with my son who just turned 6 (which thankfully is not too often), I yell "naughty step" (yes, I got that from watching the Nanny) and he immediately stops what he is doing and its a sad day when he has to go and sit on the naughty step (which is the landing at the bottom of out stairs).
LOVE your blog!
hahaha, you made me laugh, beany :)
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