Tuesday, April 15, 2008

People Would Talk

We just missed a call to DFS last night. Daddy was with the boys in Little Man's room getting Little Man dressed for bed while The Babe played. The Babe was crawling around on a little toddler chair and rolled over and bumped his forehead on the to shelf next to the chair. Although Daddy said he was fine; I ran in when I heard the cry. It didn't look like much at first glance but upon further investigation he was this side of breaking the skin. The photo is not great and it was taken the day after the fact but it is still a good gooseegg. Brother Little Man did the same thing at day care when he was about The Babe's age; he tripped on a toy and busted his forehead on a table. After four stitches he had a cool Harry Potter scar just in time for Halloween. The Babe hit his forehead in the same spot. I swear if he had broken the skin and needed stitches the neighbors would have certainly hot lined us. I am sure there is a House episode about something like this.


Amy said...

Poor little guy. I hope he is recovering nicely!

Michele said...

It's the height. I swear. Both my kids had perpetual bruises on their foreheads, 'cause they kept walking into their Papa and Grandma's cutting boards in their kitchen.Just high enough to be out of real line of sight, but low enough to know 'em in the head.

The MomBabe said...

sheesh. One week, we were in urgent care 5 times. FIVE. I'm amazed they didn't call CPS on us.

Law Student Hot Mama said...

Those head bumps are so awful! They look so scary! They're always worth fo the parents though than for the baby!

Xbox4NappyRash said...

Oh his poor little head.

I cant stand to see that.

Stop beating him ;0)