Friday, October 17, 2008

Hell Hath Frozen

I remember in high school when I freaked out because gas prices went above a dollar! Now I get excited when we make it under $2.50!


Laura said...

Come on down to's $2.23 at Walmart! Makes it a lot easier to fill the boat at that price!

Tara R. said...

Wow... I'd be excited to see prices dip below $2.50. In NW Florida it's still hoovering around $2.80. *sigh8

Anonymous said...

No fair.. we are still in the $3 range.. grrrrrr..

Anonymous said...

i know what you mean! i still think it's all one big conspiracy, since the uptick and downward slope happened so relatively quickly...they wanted to bring us up but instead brought us WAY up and then back down so we're relieved by still ridiculous prices.