That is the only way I can explain it. I don't know what it is, but lately I have been struggling with my age and what age I look to others. I am considering a new tattoo, plastic surgery and asked my father in law to teach me how to drive his motorcycle. I already have a convertible so that mid life milestone has been reached. I am reconsidering my career choices, and although I am currently finishing my MBA, I am considering continuing school after that. Since selling our business last fall I have been trying to figure out what to do next. I like routine and since my routine has been altered, I have been thrown off kilter a little. I am anxious to get things back to "normal", if I only knew what that was. Has anyone else gone through this and have advice?
I really cannot offer advice.. I can say that I suffer from what I call life aniexty.. I too love routine, but as each year passes I feel like I should be doing more.. accomplishing more.. My problem now that I cannot stay focused on one project long enough to satisfy the life aniexty itch..
I can tell you that what you are going through is normal and in my 60 years I have been there several times.
I have found that God is the only one who has the answer and sometimes when I feel I have missed it, it was because I was not doing what I know God had been telling me to do!
Then again sometimes life and people just stink!
Yeah. BTDT. Still do it all the time. I find it is much worse when I'm really self-centered; focused on me, me, me and wondering how the world sees me, me, me and what can I do for me, me, me . . .
My only recommendation is don't do anything permanent. Take the money you'd spend on the tattoo and use it to do something helpful for someone in need. You'll feel better by a)focusing on someone other than yourself and b)knowing you didn't do something you'll have to throw more money at to undo later.
Gone through? Can't say I have. Going through it? Right there with ya, sister.
I do kind of agree with Carol that time spent focusing on helping others can be very satisfying but make sure not to go too far and neglect yourself. If that new tat is really going to make you feel good, then do it...if taking that money and helping stock a food pantry will make you feel better, do that.
i know what you mean...for me, finding a new routine for myself means bringing old elements in to the new, i.e. reading familiar authors, painting my nails familiar colors, watching old tv shows or movies, things that can be contiguous and comfortable to make the new things not seem so jarring.
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