When Frogs mate, the male frog tends to clasp the female underneath in an embrace called amplexus (I Guess Little Man was not aware of this term and thought it looked more like a horsey back ride). He literally climbs on her back, reaches his arms around her "waist", either just in front of the hind legs, just behind the front legs, or even around the head. Amplexus can last several days (braggers)! Usually, it occurs in the water (yeah, like my pool!), though some species, mate on land or even in trees (hey, can;t be picky right). While in some cases, complicated courting behavior occurs before mating (true of humans too), many species of frogs are known for attempting to mate with anything that moves which isn't small enough to eat (hmm, sounds familiar)!
Frogs and Toads tend to lay many many eggs because there are many hazards between fertilization and full grown frogness! Those eggs that die tend to turn white or opaque (how about that, I wondered about those little guys). The lucky ones that actually manage to hatch still start out on a journey of many perils. Life starts right as the central yolk splits in two (let's not debate when life begins but this might give us an idea). It then divides into four, then eight, etc.- until it looks a bit like a raspberry inside a jello cup (I am not sure I can eat jello again, never like raspberries). Soon, the embryo starts to look more and more like a tadpole, getting longer and moving about in it's egg
I have to thank the University of Google for my scientific references. Although I have a B.S and will soon complete my MBA, the S includes very little science and a little more bull.
Eww! It looks like worms.
It'll be cool once it's actually tadpoles, though. Until then, EWWWWW!
Goodness Gracious. You are running quite the bordello in your back yard! So um, what are you going to do with the resulting frogs?
i have a son and his son josh has a trianchela spider for a pet and they keep the ecoskeleton above the bread drawer, he insists it be there close to the habitat..alsoihave a friend akela in england who is in the house of commons who had mating finches outside his window for THREE NIGHTS ...i have just come from nappy"s post on frogs
Well well well... It's a small world..!
update......the triranchela bit my son not the grandsonand got a red rash from the poison
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