Little Man is a huge SD fan; he watches it every night while having his "flintstone and a drink" before bed while sitting in Daddy's big leather recliner. With that said, we are SD experts and know almost all of the episodes. So with Little Man's claim that this movie was no good, I hopped in my mystery machine to investigate. OK, I walked over the video cabinet to see what was up.
Looks like SD had an overhaul a few years back after taking a little hiatus while Scrappy took over the family business. Like many family businesses, Scooby quickly learned that the biz what just not as successful without him and came back on board.
The new SD had a few changes made that I think you will agree, have a direct relationship with the decline of our youth. For instance:
Did Fred dip into some of MLB steroids? His chest is very pronounced since the old days. I am not saying I don;t like his new look, I like my men a little meaty; I don;t want to think I might hurt them. Fred also lost his ascot. What's up with that? All the cool kids are wearing them (see Michal Johns on American Idol).
Speaking of which, looks like Scooby may have had a few too many Scooby snacks...put a little on in the face.
Looks like Velma purchased some new glasses with thinner frames; maybe that is why she always seemed to have a hard time seeing things.
Everyone has new footwear. The irony of this is that now their old styles are back in fashion.
Hey, Daphne lost her scarf too...and some of her naivete. I noticed that what was once "assumed" now it is obvious that she and Fred are an item. Come on, we all knew that they were couples but poor Daphne is practically throwing herself at Fred. Maybe she lost the scarf to show a little more skin.
Shaggy is a little more shaggy than before. I think there is a reason Fred does the driving; Shaggy is too impaired...and always hungry...hmmm.
Don't get me started on the music. What happened to old fashioned Scooby songs like "I'm in love with an Ostrich"? Those were classics.

I had such a thing for Daphne. Aww.
you guys are so much younger tthan me that sometimes you just don't relate
I hate when cartoons get revamped. They're never as good. And you didn't even begin to tackle the storyline NOW versus the storyline THEN. Let's just say I'm not a fan of innuendos....
Okay, I should stop my crusade now.
I loved Scooby as a kid (though Scrappy is really irritating) Thankfully my kids aren't that into it, I'd get mad every time I saw a new one!
Why do they have to mess with something good?
New doesn't mean better, and it usually means lame. As a boy the year before kindergarten I remember being addicted to Scooby Doo and the Price is Right. I can't stand the new SD and I hate Scrappy. Puppy Power? Paaalease, I could stop that dog cold with fly paper. Anyways, I am wit you of course, as you can tell.
I haven't seen the new SD. But, no ascot? I'm not even going to give it a chance.
We don't like the new Scooby either. We watch the old ones on VHS... yes we still have a Video player!
hey, as long as Shaggy still seems to be high as a kite, at least some integrity is kept in tact.
Whatever happened to that equally stupid show with the caveman who lived in some sort of VW van?
Yeah, not a fan of cartoon makeovers . . . it is just WRONG.
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