We had a tough time naming The Babe. I had a girl name picked out but since we decided not to find out the sex of the baby we had to find an alternate name just in case. I scoured name books and websites and found names like Taylor and Avery. These were good names just not what I had in mind. I walked the liquor aisle at the grocery store and found names like Miller and Cooper. I flipped through The Bible but couldn't find anything that wasn't too conservative. I called my genealogically inclined aunt and asked for family name ideas. Daddy and I could not come to terms with a name. He had an idea in his head about one particular name. I was completely against this name because The Babe had a new cousin with a complimentary name. I was concerned folks might think we planned it, liked the show, or were just Hoosiers (no offense to my Indy fans). One day in the wee hours of the morning Daddy woke me to tell me he had the name, and he was right. He added my grandmother's maiden name as a middle name and we had a winner.
We now joke about the reference to the show and how each of the boys looks like their character. My concern now is that we have created a self fulfilling prohpecy. You know, like when Cain's mom named him. Today at Nana's they decided it would be fun to take the five pound bag of dry cat food and have a party. The Babe was the tosser and cousin from the Bible was the dancer. They were both in time out when Daddy called to check in. Nana has made the comment many times that the two of them get into more mischief than all the other cousins combined.
I laughed when I heard the story today. I know it won't be the last time the two get into something together. I hope that their relationship only grows as they do.

...never meanin' no harm
Beats all you never saw, been in trouble with the law since the day they was born.
Straightenin' the curves, flattenin' the hills
Someday the mountain might get 'em but the law never will.
Makin' their way, the only way they know how
That's just a little bit more than the law will allow.
Just two good ol' boys, wouldn't change if they could,
Fightin' the system like two modern-day Robin Hoods...
*By the way, we spell it with four letters, not two.

love it!
I think it's appropriate considering the daisy dukes their mom used to wear! hee hee!
That is killer awesome!! My kid would love to be named either one of those names. Ok, I confess, I would love it just as much (it's one of my favorite shows of all time - as most guys my age will tell you). You should be ok for now. Just be careful when they get their drivers licenses.
This is great!
That is awesome.. Love the picture too!!
They are so cute! We were just talking in my Child Development class about children who grow up with peers in their extended family are more likely to hold their own family's values throughout life. Awesome!
You know there's a "worst name" contest out there? Names like "Ophelia Self" and whatnot are featured. And the worst part is they're ACTUALLY peoples' names!
Heh - those guys are SO CUTE! And they totally look like they're up to no good!
Cute...I like the name Avery that you mentioned...my 19 month old son is named Avery.
This post and the accompanying photo COMPLETELY reminds me of my Terrible Two. You're lucky it's not a full-time thing - it's why I drink :)
you could of named him sue, and then he would have to go through life fighting
Strangely enough, or maybe not, that name is becoming very popular here in Holland of all places.
I love the name, Dukes of Hazard or not. Classic yet not overused.
They are so cute!!
Great name - Avery was nice too. :)
AWESOME! Lovge your post:) Hope your having a great wordless Wednesday! Sorry I have not been blogging lately! I have been taping shows. What was I thinking?? Hah! Maybe it is a good thing I wasn't thinking! If you get a minute, check it out. I'd love to hear what you think. I am inviting all my blog friends over for feedback. http://www.dishingwithdebbie.com/on-the-show-temp.php Your stories are great and my whole idea behind this show is for other moms to share real stories like you do. Sponsors are donating neat prizes like chocolate baskets and mini-chef aprons and way cool cookery stuff. Anyway, I'd love to hear from you.
hi dee ho dad's friend
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