We arrived at the center yesterday around 8:30 for Little Man's procedure. I had prepped him the night before; I told him he could not eat breakfast and that the doctor was going to give him ear tubes. His response to this was "again?". I know honey, I already asked for a money back or two for one deal for you. I told him the doctor was going to look in his nose and mouth. His response to this was "with a hammer?" Well, yes, you could put it that way.
I explained his throat would be a little "scratchy" for a while. Oh, you have a better way to put it? I didn't want to terrify him. "Honey, I know it doesn't sound like a great way to spend a morning, but after I don't feed you, the doctor is going to place tubes in your ears, take something useless out of your nose and then he is going to take a laser and burn off some of your flesh. Look at it this way, once we get home you will be so drugged you won't care that your throat feels like it is on fire. The bright side is you are on a strict diet of ice cream, popsicles, yogurt, jello, and The Babe's left overs after he has smashed them with his tiny man fists."
Who says I am the world's only living heart donor? I do care.

I hope your little guy is recovering nicely. Both my boys had tubes in, tonsil & adnoids out! While it is not fun, it is so worth it in the long run. The are much healthier now.
I wish him/you the best.
i agree, with a hammer?? what kind of aa fool inspects your throat with a hammer. is he going to knock a few back teeth on the way?
Aww . . . I hope he's feeling better!
So how'd he do? Is he feeling better?
Poor baby- ear tubes twice! Yeah, I think the Dr. should have done them for free..
I hope he's doing well. Kids are so resilient. My son had surgery when he was four and I think it was much tougher on me than him. Especially the whole sedation part. I didn't want to let him go -
Give that little one as many popsicles as he wants.
Awh.. how is he feeling??
The way you described it, I can't imagine him being afraid. Lasers burning flesh, fire, burning. Very pleasant. ;)
I hope all is well of course!
you know ...i bet you're like my daughter....she has been called neurotic, but she just talks non stop naturrally...without letting anybody in and is so high energy a type person A type,that people thinks she is on something but it is just life....are you like that????
i meant "little man" babe isn't that smart for that kind of statement
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