This week's Fro installment refers to weddings,weekends and weather. Hubs and I had a wild weekend planned in St Louis for my cousin's wedding. We were invited to come without the boys (thank you for the mini vacation) so we took the opportunity to make the most of our time in the city.
Friday night we attended a pre-wedding cookout at my aunt's house. We then headed to a craw fish boil and then back out with my brother. As you can see, I started my weekend with straight hair. This is really just my lazy way of not having to wash my hair everyday. My straight hair was a surprise to my old friend A Bun's Life. T hasn't seen me in over a year and in the last eighteen years we have known each other I think she has seen me with straight hair once; Friday.
Thanks for the image T.
Saturday Hubs and I hung out around the house recovering from what we considered a late night. We don't get out much anymore; midnight is late. Party on Rock Stars!
Saturday night found us heading to a rehearsal dinner. My brother and I decided we would shake things up a bit. I washed and went curly and he decided to tame the mane. You see, I have a lot of hair but brother has A. LOT. of hair. He is in the process of growing his hair long and is having trouble with frizz. That is what happens to us, our hair doesn't grow down, it grows out. He humored me and allowed me to use some product and play dress up. He was such a good sport.
Saturday night found us heading to a rehearsal dinner. My brother and I decided we would shake things up a bit. I washed and went curly and he decided to tame the mane. You see, I have a lot of hair but brother has A. LOT. of hair. He is in the process of growing his hair long and is having trouble with frizz. That is what happens to us, our hair doesn't grow down, it grows out. He humored me and allowed me to use some product and play dress up. He was such a good sport.

Sunday you would find us sleeping in due to the fact that we finally rolled in around 2am. What is wrong with me? Do I think I am 21? Oh wait, my step-mom was outlasting me so age can not be my excuse. I am out of practice, they have a martini bar walking distance from their house!
The wedding was scheduled Sunday at 6pm. How many weddings have you heard of that start on time? I now know of one! Since I have seen the same group of people everyday since arriving I had to do something a little different with the fro. The humidity was not helping so I decided to go with the conservative "bun". Not sure how well I pulled it off...
I needed more bobbie pins at this point. Damn layers.
Want to see the rest of the weekend? Click here.
Want to see the rest of the weekend? Click here.
Oh you picture cut off my watermark and everything! I put that one low on the picture on purpose. :) Seriously though, give me a call and I will change the permissions on my flickr account just for you so you can download the others and then I need to change them back. The one with B with the craw fish in his mouth is priceless!!
Sorry we didn't get to spend more time with you.
Aww - you have great hair, man. I tell you when you have straight hair like I do, you want curly hair and when you have curly hair, you want straight hair. You can't win!
wow, culture city. craw dads...never had one....from utah though so how could i...hey thanks for the comment on my e mail, but i never read that only blogs like mine when you punch the icon or on your, thanks
Ah, St. Louis - I love St. Louis! The botanical gardens and the zoo are absolutely FANTASTIC!
Great hair, by the way. Cruise over my way and see my....well, complete lack of it. ;)
-The Rev.
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