The other day, Daddy asked me what I wanted for Mother’s day. Usually when I am faced with a question like this I say something like “oh nothing, just a card”. This year is different. I am no longer the selfless mother I was when I started out a mere 3 years ago. I have a list this year:
~I would like a professional cleaning company to come over. Just once, for a deep clean. It is kind of like that deep tissue massage we all need, but never get, about once a month. Although we only moved to this house in February the floor under the kitchen table looks like we have had a countless number of food fights. It does not help that the floor is slate tile; it just magnifies the hair that sticks to the food after a while. I would do a better job of cleaning this area, but I was informed after marriage I would no longer be on my knees.
~I want to meet this so called “Sand Man”. What or who do I have to do to get some sleep around this place? I would like one night, starting around 8pm Central Time to sleep uninterrupted. Of course I would probably still wake up a hundred times but at least I know I can go back to sleep. I would probably sleep on a lawn chair by the pool so I would be able to get some sun while I was at it but not have to move.
~The sleeping neurotic inside me has a list of missing toys that I would like to have found. If that means we call in a crew of curtain climbers, so be it. It is funny how kids can find a toy without trying, but for me it is like looking for a moving target. Maybe I am on to something. My kids are playing a trick on me. Like the trick my brother in law played on me at Christmas. He gave The Babe a Noah’s Ark with a Noah figure and the animals. Little did I know he had kidnapped Noah for ransom and tied him up. I later received an e-mailed photo of poor Noah. I went on medication soon after.
By the way here is my list of missing toys (yes I keep a list):
~The Little Einstein figure “Annie” is missing from rocket. How one earth are they able to complete missions without her fabulous singing and made up songs? Her brother Leo has no one to conduct.
~The yellow ball, one of four total balls, is missing from the tunnel toy. This of course can’t be good for The Babe when he is learning his colors. Now he will only learn green, red, and orange.
~“The White Mask” as it has affectionately been named since it’s disappearance. We have a black one and a white one; of course one good and one evil. Little Man only likes the white one. The Babe could care less. They are kind of like mardi gras masks.; purchased for a mere 52 cents apiece they have made for hours of enjoyment. Without white who will conquer the evil black mask?
~One of the red batons from the xylopiano. This is really just selfish on my part. The toy came with two but I have two children. When one begins to play, so must the other. Come out little baton.
As you see, none of this really benefits me. A little extra sleep for me will help the rest of the house because I won’t need so much coffee. A clean house is just a healthy place to be for all of us, and finding all the missing toys will just make the boys happy.
So I guess I would like the above and a massage and facial.
Happy Mother’s Day to all!
Cute...Yes, I have made a list as well of things i would like...no more "just a card". I work hard with these little ones and dang it, I would like a reward - yes, if only to be able to sleep one night without interruption, or even just be able to get in the car and drive around ALONE for an hour!!
And, the toys...Annie must be found for the missions have to be completed (but oh those songs she comes up with)....
Have a wonderful mothers day!!
happy mother's day to a mmom
Mine had to work . . . so the kids kinda made me breakfast in bed - it was quite scary!
Hope you had a wonderful Day!
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