One (yes, there are many even for a town our size) of our local "gentlemen" establishments offers weekly themed entertainment. As I was driving by yesterday, I noticed that this week's dollar store special was Cream Corn. Most minds might find themselves wandering to a visualization of participants sloppin around in a tub, but all I could think was that would be the night I would use a vacation day; imagine the places the little kernels would be at the end of the night. Oh, that is the point?
snort.. haha
farmers are strange people. doesn't it hurt?
uh uh.... i'd rather not think about it.
Wow. I thought I'd seen everything.
um, I know where corn USUALLY ends up
and I'm totally sure I don't care to see where other's does.
This strikes me as maybe "someone" tried out for the "rasslin'" team, and "someone" didn't make the cut. Sour grapes, indeed
I used to 'report' on this very thing every week. I quit when I saw dogfood rastlin'. I lost the will.
Not being a lady, I don't really know...but wouldn't you get some serious infections in a serious place if things go where they shouldn't go?
that's just NASTY!!
Don't knock it 'till you've tried it....
After I read this post, I talked to a bartender there (I randomly met someone who worked there....bizarre!). I brought up your blog and she said the food item varies from week to week. Interesting!
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