Have you ever had your hair done by someone that has really bad hair, only to walk away with the best cut and style you have ever had? I used to have my nails done by a girl with nails that looked like she was a mechanic rather than a nail technician. I loved my nails though.
There are many professions that require you to be a walking billboard advertising your services. In a way, my blog is just that. I normally don't talk much about work on this blog, for that very reason. This is my personal blog; I started blogging on this site for myself and my family. I try to consider myself the hair stylist that does not have time to get her own hair done because she is too busy making others look fabulous. I am happy that sometimes I am to be too busy sometimes that I just need to post rather than worry about grammar and spelling.
error schmerror. :)
keep up the good work.
::enthusiastic applause::
i is pretty sure i cant handle readin a blog with errors so sorry, let me know if you finally get serious about this
Dammit, I was hoping no one ever realized how often my hair looks like shit. Ah well...at least you know why. Its rough trying to beautify the masses - I feel your pain. And I nac raed trhguoh the eorrrs so no bgiige.
Was it something I said? Three (maybe 4) of my lurkers came out of hiding to comment on this post. I must have done something right here.
Fox...I read your chats...I know you can't spell...or multi task:)
JG..I was not talking about YOU...just hypothetical:)
So good to see you Emily and thanks for the support!
And you Uli...the biggest lurker of them all! You only commented out of obligation since I gave you some linky love:) I will take what I can get from you though...especially since you inspired this post!
I am the worst at spelling.. so if you did make mistakes.. they totally go unnoticed by me.. haha
See? I forgot to add...
Found ya Blog Hopping!!!
Gah. You don't know how many edits I need to do after I hit "publish". I am the WORST at proofreading my own writing.
I have even been known to constantly re-edit comments ... erm, you DO have that option here, dontcha?
Aw crap.
YES! me too. That's all I'm sayin'.
Bloghopping tonight! Happy Friday!
my mom is more worried about the content than the spelling. i might embarrass her.
my spelling is ok. it's my punctuation that, blows. chunks;
bloghopping, of course
I get annoyed when my mistakes are pointed out.. Life's too short!! LOL
Unfortunately, I'm that way about my whole life.
errors are no big deal. I find them on my blog all of the time, so I keep telling myself...no big deal. Sigh.
Happy blog hopping!
Editing is for the next day, after the fact. Happy Blog Hopping and nice to find you again after cre8buzz went goldfish style.
What are grammer and speeling to do having with blogging? Onestly me just don't saw the connexsion.
- off for more bloghopping!
Hello there, you, I miss your smiling face from cre8buzz days.
I find for blogging that I will type errors at the heat of the moment, and then read later, totally not believing all of the mistakes that I made that I didn't even see! In the heat of the moment is so much more fun, don't you think?
bloghoppin :)
... and on blog hopping nite, no one notices errors anyway! You were built for this! happy hopping!
I blog like I talk, badly. I think when I speak I even misspell the words.
Here for the first time bloghopping, but it looks good to me!
And this is why no one in my life knows I have a blog except my fiance. I love your blog! I'm bloghippoing and I will have to stick around.
And yes, gforgive the typoes. I've had a bit too mcuh! ha ha ah ah!
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