I have had the good fortune of working from home for nearly ten years. When I decided to go back to work "outside" the home this year, I knew I would have some adjusting. I am not talking about the fact that my commute is longer than the walk to the office from the coffee pot. I am not talking about the fact that have have to shower regularly, or where clothes that do not resemble pajamas and slippers. I am talking about the fact that I now have to work with...can you imagine...PEOPLE! Working from home afforded me the luxury of very little human interaction. Some may say this could cause a problem; like my husband. He recently noted that when we went out I would get easily excited and talk incessantly; especially when given any sort of adult beverage. I reminded him that although he is an excellent cell mate at work, I do like a little variety in my conversation partners. There are many things I enjoy about working with others in the flesh, one being the interaction and bonding. It is nice to brainstorm with others and share experiences. As many know though, there are some pitfalls to working with others, tow of which I experienced in the office today.
Going to work is kid of like courting a prospective love interest. You have two personalities; your home personality and your other personality. Admit it, you act different while you are getting to know someone. So I have been at my new job for about 90 days. Yep, I made it through the "probation" period. I even have a name tag! Whoo hoo! I digress.
So I guess the honeymoon is over. My new cell mates have decided I am trustworthy and will stick around. They have let down their guards. For instance, upon entering my office, a coworker had a slight odor. Seems that this person had been crop dusting on the way to my office; or passing gas. The smell was still on them when they got to my desk! Hello! Do that in your office!
Later in the day I went to the kitchen to make lunch. Once I was done I opened the dishwasher and what do I see? A mess I say! An utter mess! Do they load the dishes like this at home? I found myself reloading the dishwasher just like I do at home.
So what do your coworkers do that drive you crazy?
Technically, my coworkers are my parents. As such, the most frustrating part of work is the fact that workdays do not really ever end. Tasks extend into the evening and weekend hours on a regular basis, but it comes with the territory, as well as the industry (real estate).
Simultaneously, though, I love working with them, and hopefully the feeling is mutual. ;)
it boggles my mind that, in this day and age of extraordinary technological advancements, many real estate agents call me about 47 times a day to ask for THE EXACT SAME PHONE NUMBER. over and over! apparently their blackberries are too complicated to learn how to just save a contact...
I once had two coworkers who had annoying throat clearing habits. One would do the gross inward snot snort thing and the other would make a sound like "Ah...ooOOOOOOooogah" every time she did it. I hated it. Every time I heard each noise I wanted to throw something at them.
It's not so much the people but the work that gets on my nerves. I want to know who invented this 'job' thing. grrrrr.
Site's looking good by the way!
I have a co-worker who stalks me. He'll come into my office just to look out the window or stand in the doorway watching me. It's very creepy. He's not dangerous, just weird.
I work out of a home office, so the only thing I have to deal with are kids.
And a dog.
No complaints though!
I had one who decided to give me a lesson on making coffee "her way" because the coffee I "made" that morning was "sh&#". In front of everyone, being really humiliating about it and rude.
I let her finish before I told her "Thanks, but I didn't actually make that pot of coffee." Then I walked away.
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