1. Subscribe to me in your reader. For the contest to work my goal is to gain 100 readers by the deadline. If I do not have 100 readers by the drop dead date, no money.
2. Comment on this post. For the money to be given away I need 100 comments by the deadline.
Some of you might be saying to yourselves, "She is bribing us", "She is buying us". Yes, some may look at it like that. Others might say "Who cares, I could use 100 bucks!".
Since I am a conformist and do what everyone else does, I will add 100 random things about me for your amusement. Enjoy.
1. I like ice in my milk. There is nothing worse than warm milk.
2. I do not like meatloaf. I think this dish was a lazy kitchen accident in the 60's.
3. I do not like coconut or anything flavored like it.
4. I played the violin until I graduated high school.
5. I toured Europe with my orchestra.
6. After playing the saxophone one year I decided I liked the violin better. When I told my band leader he cornered me and called me a quitter that would amount to nothing. These are the people that shape young minds.
7. I would love to play the trombone.
8. I had braces when I was 28 and now have a permanent lower retainer.
9. I have been known to cut off swollen taste buds so I will stop rubbing them against my teeth. I know, weird.
10. I give my husband manicures and pedicures.
11. My CD collection is alphabetized (big surprise).
12. Hubs and I have moved 10 times in 11 years.
13. Kansas City is my favorite place to live.
14. My favorite deli sandwich is turkey and Swiss.
15. I started drinking coffee about three months ago.
16. My first car was a 1987 Dodge Colt.
17. I drive a convertible.
18. I have a birthmark shaped like an island on my left cheek. The boys have the same.
19. I had Kawasaki when I was five.
20. I had my tonsils removed when I was 14.
21. I have had two left knee scopes.
22. I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis in 2006.
23. My sister played connect the dots with my freckles when we were kids in an effort to count them. We lost track.
24. I don't like to cook.
25. I like to bake from a box.
26. My phone is a Treo 700
27. After owning Gateways for 10 years I bought my first HP in 2006.
28. I want a Mac.
29. I want to write a book.
30. I am 9 classes away from finishing my MBA.
31. It took me 12 years to finish my BS.
32. I love chocolate chip ice cream but like to wait for it to melt a little & eat it in shake like form.
33. I like to dip my fries in my Wendy's frosty.
34. My license was suspended when I was 18 due to speeding tickets.
35. I drink Captain and 7.
36. I sleep with the fan on.
37. I was raised Baptist.
38. I am Episcopalian now.
39. I like Karaoke.
40. I love the beach and perfecting the art of counting waves.
41. Not a fan of snow or cold.
42. I don't eat beans. They have a weird texture.
43. I love cheese, I could eat a whole block at once.
44. I love to sleep.
45. I love to read.
46. I love psychological thrillers.
47. I like coffee with my coffemate.
48. I use paper towels; not a dish towel.
49. Clear fingernail polish and red toenail polish.
50. A tattoo of a coyote and moon
51. A tattoo of a palm tree
52. Hit Me With Your Best Shot is my favorite song to karaoke
53. I can sing the states in alphabetical order
54. I am right handed
55. I am left brained
56. All of my biological grandparents are dead
57. I have a sister that is 5 years older than me
58. I have a brother that it 13 years younger than me
59. I was a cocktail waitress in college for one night ( I belonged on the other side of the table)
60. I was a life guard in high school
61. My heart has been broken
62. I have testified against someone in court
63. I have been baptized
64. I once worked at a dating service
65. I love the smell of honeysuckle
66. I once cried while eating a TV dinner brownie; it was that good
67. My hair parts to the right
68. I was born in Mint Hill NC
69. I was raised in Kansas City
70. I am Hungarian
71. Prior to having kids I wore a size 7.5-8 shoe; I now wear a 7
72. I do not like my neck being touched but I do like it to be kissed
73. I am stubborn
74. My celeb crush was once Matthew McConaughey but is now Leo DiCaprio (Blood Diamond did it for me)
75. I am considering plastic surgery
76. I occasionally dream (nightmare) that my teeth fall out
77. I talk a lot when I drink alcohol
78. I have the memory of an elephant
79. I keep my nails short and my hair long
80. I once cut my hair so short that hubs would trim it at home with his trimmers. Never again
81. Both ears are pierced twice
82. I have trust issues
83. I avoid confrontation
84. I failed algebra in high school
85. I write thank you notes
86. I don't eat breakfast
87. I would love to visit a truly haunted home
88. I own my own shot gun
89. I do not believe Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone.
90. I won a writing contest when I was young
91. I am an Aquarius by date but a Capricorn by traits
92. KU and UNC Basketball
93. KC Chiefs Football
94. I eat my sandwiches dry
95. I do not like guacamole
96. Although I am right handed, I play pool left handed
97. My greatest fear is losing everything in a fire.
98. My brother in law is a fireman
99. I love going to the dentist
100. Creation not Evolution
So the deal is 100 readers subscribed and 100 comments made by Thursday August 14th. I will randomly draw a name of a commenter on Friday August 15th and send them $100.00! That should buy a lot of gas!
Thanks and Good Luck!