We are just a few of the animals living there!
The other day I was running errands with the boys. I realized it was getting close to lunch time (and nap time! Woo hoo!) and asked Little Man where he would like to eat. I want to go to Old MacDonald's Mama. See, Little Man calls the golden arches "Old MacDonald's" and since I think it is cute I have now adopted the name for the establishment myself. I think the name seems to fit. Think about it. When you walk in one of these places it is like a farm; animals running around making noises. The smell! Whoa! What am I feeding my children? I try to avoid the place as much as possible but on this particular day the closest one was next to my favorite place.
Prepare yourselves, I think I hear a choir of angles...Drive Through Starbucks. I swear, the woman that thought of this idea had to have children. She is the one that thought of the drive through Dunkin Donuts too, I am sure of it. Only a woman (or a stay at home dad) is smart enough to realize the importance of the drive through. We have to feed them, right? It is the getting them out of the car, one on a stroller that is screaming "walk, walk" while the other is pulling your hand (because he knows we hold hands in the parking lot) just to get to the play area. Forget it, we are driving through!
Back to the choir. I run through the farm to get slop for the monkeys and cruise next door for me. I order my usual and drive up to pay. I normally only splurge for a four dollar coffee when I have enough change in my change pouch, but today was a treat. My mother in law gave me a gift card to use. She received it from a girl at church and since she does not drink coffee, gave it to me! Oh, happy day! I hand the happy guy my card and he asks if I would like a White Chocolate Frap that the car in front of me gave up. I decided I would take it to a friend and begin to dig for change; after all, mine was already paid for so there was no harm. Karma baby. Happy guy then says "no no, it is free". Oh Happy Day!
I am a happy clam drinking my free coffee when I hear The Babe in the back seat whining. Thinking he needs another processed piece of meat from the farm, I turn around to investigate. What I find is not a toddler needing food. I find a young boy with a pair of his mommy's (yes, that is me) underwear on his head. He has one arm through a leg hole and is upset he can not get the other arm, or his head for that matter, through the other leg hole. The only thing I could think of was the undies were hiding in his clean shirt when I sorted the laundry that morning. Ah!
No wonder Happy Guy was so happy. No wonder he gave me free coffee. I will never go to that Starbucks again, or roll down the windows to let the boys talk to the attendant. Thank God it was a pair of my "more appealing" unmentionables.
Men are such animals.

Olivia used to call it Old McDonald's too!
Oh my gosh! This is hilarious! My son Kyle is 14 now, but that sounds like something he would have done! This will be a story you can tell his first girlfriend!
If only it were as cute when I wear my undewear on my head . . .
that is crazy- love it!
Free starbucks is the best!
I am so jealous.
Nice. Underwear and free drinks. What more could I ask for?
LMAO!! You coffee hootchie you!!
at least the underwear wasn't grande size. lol funny story.
read dads who mock the world and russ's son if you want to see something unmentionable, nappy said that in all his blogging he has never been so embarassed
a woman had to come up with the drive thru at CVS for prescription pick ups too!!!!
do you know girls come from the animal kindom also
ha ha ha! Gotta love embarrassing mommy moments!
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