This old Roger Miller gone Don Williams song resonates in mind right now. Not only did we move this weekend using a trailer, but our yearly ice storm has rendered me powerless, begging for a room, without a phone, and praying for pool weather. I don’t smoke, but I didn’t have my daily dose of Red Bull and if I had, it would be room temp because my fridge is out of power! The song was in mind regulary as I thought about the trailer we used to move. What is it about trailers that is so alluring to some people? My gypsy blood has moved me around the country a lot in the last ten years. 816 to 417, 417 to 919, 919 to 860, 860 to 816, 816 to 336, 336 to 919, 919 to 816, 816 to 239, and finally 239 back to 417. During my journey I honed my skills and yearning to learn about people and wait makes us tick. When I moved back to the Midwest I noticed that many folks (see how I picked up the slang again?) aspire to own a trailer. Not a boat trailer like that in 239 or 919, but a trailer. The kind you see a dirt bike or ATV strapped to on the way to the track. The kind you see driving down the road behind a dully (let me know if you need a definition) (again, not something I saw a lot of in 860) full of hay. Although I have only had one husband, the one I had in 336 and 919 wanted fly fishing gear to fish the shore, my husband in 239 wanted a flats boat, the husband in 417 now wants a trailer. I continue to ask him why we need one when his brother has one that we can use. Much like the fishing gear in the garage, and the boat we sold when we moved back to 417, I imagine I will soon have a trailer pad somewhere on my new 1.5 acres.
Wow, you really got around, huh? By the way, I really liked the way you wrote that post.
I guess you need to send me the info huh? If you are still out of power, come on up....the wii is waiting! :)
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