What happened to my good sleeper? Gannon used to sleep from 7pm to 7am without a peep. He has recently taken to getting up around 5am, turning on his light and saying he is done with his nap! We put foil on his window (we probably look like a meth house from the outside:), then cardboard, a shade, and curtains. His room is pitch black. We have experimented with his bedtime (I was told to do so slowly), which has ranged anywhere from 6:30-8:30. This morning he woke up at 3:30am! We told him he had to go back to bed or lay down with us; he laid down with us until he heard brother cry on the monitor at 5:30, at which time he said "I need milk and Cheerios". That was it, we were up. Fortunatly Beau still sleeps from 6:30pm-7:30am and takes a good two hour nap. Gannon still needs a nap mid-day so I am at my wits end trying to figure this out. I know it is a stage and I will be draggin him out of bed in a few years but I need some assistance now!
Hi there...just stopped by from cre8buzz, and am going to check out your archives. The blogging thing...it IS addictive, no??
Oh yes, those were the days... my 14yo has to get up at 5:30 to be at school by 7... it's insanity in my house in the mornings.
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