I have not lived in my hometown for almost five years now. I get back as much as I can but have been busy; you know with the boys and all. I was able to make a trip this weekend to see my brother in law that recently moved there. You know him, the guy with the cool downtown bachelor pad overlooking the new P&L area.
I digress. So I just arrive in town and while traveling on 435 realize that Kansas roads have seen better days. Living in JOCO for some time I was always pleased with the roads on that side of the state line. I cross over to Missouri and was pleasantly surprised with what seemed to be a newly paved I-35. Then it happened. I hit my pothole. You know the one. The one that I hit nearly every morning on my way to work downtown for three years. The one on 35 North, North of the SW Blvd exit and Just South of Rainbow. You know, the east side of the east lane. The one that I swore would suck my car into a black hole many a morning. You think I would have learned to avoid it over the years but it just kept getting bigger. I would prepare myself each morning but then get distracted by a crazy driver, or something on the radio, or the phone. Boom. There goes some more tread.
So here is my question. What the hell? Why is this pothole still there? I was not prepared for it this time but could not help but giggle my cynical little laugh when I hit it on Saturday. It was almost like the city was telling me something. Maybe is was saying "some things never change". Maybe it was saying "pay attention woman". Maybe it was saying "MODOT still sucks".
Or maybe it was saying "welcome home", "we missed you".
Either way thanks, but fix that damn thing. There are plenty of other ways to say hello.