We all know that sometimes we have to do things we do not want to do so we can do things we want to do. Take for instance hubs semi-annual boys fishing trip. I have never been one of those wives that insists I get something for "letting" him go on these trips. He deserves a break just as much as anyone. He simply takes it upon him self to do some extra honey-dos before and after he gets back. Seems a small price for him to pay to hang out with the guys and not take a razor or toothbrush.
Well this year he had to pay a little more. Karma is a little more of a bitch than I am. The story goes that Allen picked up Brad from the house on Thursday afternoon while I was at work. The two of them were the first to the cabin and opened the Crown. By 2pm they were feeling pretty good. The others arrived and more of the same ensued until midnight when Allen and Brad decided to start fishing early.
The two decided to borrow a boat that was close by and headed down the river in the 50 degree fog. The fog was so thick, I was told Brad could not see Allen at the front of the boat. Midway through the ride Brad has to pee. What to you do if you are a man in a boat and need to pee? Stand up of course. What do you do if you are a man that has to pee in a boat and have had half a bottle of Crown? Fall out of the boat.
Now you have a cold wet man without provisions because he is in a "borrowed" boat. Back up river the two go. Brad realizes his phone was in his pocket. He begins to mumble obscenities and realizes there are no children around so he yells them instead; hoping his hot air will dry his phone. No luck.
Upon arrival to the cabin the two place the borrowed boat back in it's place unharmed and head inside. Brad is on his way to take a warm shower but decides to place his wet phone in the oven on low to dry it out. Brad is a professional phone dryer as this is not his first rodeo.
Allen decided to fall into bed before Brad exited the shower but stopped in the kitchen on his way to his room due to the strange smell. Allen then asked Brad if he meant to push warm or broil.
Gas to get to the river: 75.00
Bottle of Crown: 30.00
New Sprint Instinct: 30.00 with insurance and extended contract
A story the wife can tell forever: priceless
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
The Cost of a Good Vacation
We all know that sometimes we have to do things we do not want to do so we can do things we want to do. Take for instance hubs semi-annual boys fishing trip. I have never been one of those wives that insists I get something for "letting" him go on these trips. He deserves a break just as much as anyone. He simply takes it upon him self to do some extra honey-dos before and after he gets back. Seems a small price for him to pay to hang out with the guys and not take a razor or toothbrush.
Well this year he had to pay a little more. Karma is a little more of a bitch than I am. The story goes that Allen picked up Brad from the house on Thursday afternoon while I was at work. The two of them were the first to the cabin and opened the Crown. By 2pm they were feeling pretty good. The others arrived and more of the same ensued until midnight when Allen and Brad decided to start fishing early.
The two decided to borrow a boat that was close by and headed down the river in the 50 degree fog. The fog was so thick, I was told Brad could not see Allen at the front of the boat. Midway through the ride Brad has to pee. What to you do if you are a man in a boat and need to pee? Stand up of course. What do you do if you are a man that has to pee in a boat and have had half a bottle of Crown? Fall out of the boat.
Now you have a cold wet man without provisions because he is in a "borrowed" boat. Back up river the two go. Brad realizes his phone was in his pocket. He begins to mumble obscenities and realizes there are no children around so he yells them instead; hoping his hot air will dry his phone. No luck.
Upon arrival to the cabin the two place the borrowed boat back in it's place unharmed and head inside. Brad is on his way to take a warm shower but decides to place his wet phone in the oven on low to dry it out. Brad is a professional phone dryer as this is not his first rodeo.
Allen decided to fall into bed before Brad exited the shower but stopped in the kitchen on his way to his room due to the strange smell. Allen then asked Brad if he meant to push warm or broil.
Gas to get to the river: 75.00
Bottle of Crown: 30.00
New Sprint Instinct: 30.00 with insurance and extended contract
A story the wife can tell forever: priceless
Well this year he had to pay a little more. Karma is a little more of a bitch than I am. The story goes that Allen picked up Brad from the house on Thursday afternoon while I was at work. The two of them were the first to the cabin and opened the Crown. By 2pm they were feeling pretty good. The others arrived and more of the same ensued until midnight when Allen and Brad decided to start fishing early.
The two decided to borrow a boat that was close by and headed down the river in the 50 degree fog. The fog was so thick, I was told Brad could not see Allen at the front of the boat. Midway through the ride Brad has to pee. What to you do if you are a man in a boat and need to pee? Stand up of course. What do you do if you are a man that has to pee in a boat and have had half a bottle of Crown? Fall out of the boat.
Now you have a cold wet man without provisions because he is in a "borrowed" boat. Back up river the two go. Brad realizes his phone was in his pocket. He begins to mumble obscenities and realizes there are no children around so he yells them instead; hoping his hot air will dry his phone. No luck.
Upon arrival to the cabin the two place the borrowed boat back in it's place unharmed and head inside. Brad is on his way to take a warm shower but decides to place his wet phone in the oven on low to dry it out. Brad is a professional phone dryer as this is not his first rodeo.
Allen decided to fall into bed before Brad exited the shower but stopped in the kitchen on his way to his room due to the strange smell. Allen then asked Brad if he meant to push warm or broil.
Gas to get to the river: 75.00
Bottle of Crown: 30.00
New Sprint Instinct: 30.00 with insurance and extended contract
A story the wife can tell forever: priceless
Monday, September 22, 2008
Sleeping Single In A Double Bed

Hubs and I have been apart from each other very little in the eleven years we have been together. We met at work and began dating shortly after and then he stole my spare key. Not one that likes to cook, I didn't mind the spare closet taken over when I found out what a great cook he was. We carpooled because we worked together and then we started a business together that allowed us to work from home...you guessed it...together. Some ask us how we do it. I ask how others don't do it. Going back to work outside of the home this month has been very strange. Not only do I miss the boys but I miss my hubs. I miss not talking to him on a regular basis. I miss the mundane little things we would share during the day.
This weekend was hubs semi-annual boys weekend on The White. The trip is taken twice a year (hence the term semi-annual) typically when the clocks change. This year the fall trip occurred a little early but not any less deserved. Although this is called a "fishing" trip, this is a time for hubs and 20 of his closets friends and relatives to drink, smoke, cuss, carry on, play cards, not shave for days, and if they have time they may do some fishing.
This trip just gave me one more thing to miss. Sleeping in the same bed as hubs. IT has already been an adjustment to not seeing him during the day, then I had to miss him at night for three nights! The irony of it is that when he is gone, I actually sleep better. I am the type that can pull back the covers and crawl in bed only to wake up in the exact same position as when I laid down. Makes making the bed in the morning very easy. When hubs is here it is not so simple. The covers are all over the place, he tosses, he turns, he snores, I sweat from the heat that radiates off his body. No wonder I don;t sleep well. I do have to admit I tend to stay up later when he is gone, I guess just procrastinating. Funny thing is I get up much earlier too; maybe in preparation for the boys as life is much easier if I am ready before they wake.
So I am torn, miss him and sleep well or have him and sleep poorly. Sleep is overrated I guess; I can sleep when I die.
Family Tree,
Sleeping Single In A Double Bed

Hubs and I have been apart from each other very little in the eleven years we have been together. We met at work and began dating shortly after and then he stole my spare key. Not one that likes to cook, I didn't mind the spare closet taken over when I found out what a great cook he was. We carpooled because we worked together and then we started a business together that allowed us to work from home...you guessed it...together. Some ask us how we do it. I ask how others don't do it. Going back to work outside of the home this month has been very strange. Not only do I miss the boys but I miss my hubs. I miss not talking to him on a regular basis. I miss the mundane little things we would share during the day.
This weekend was hubs semi-annual boys weekend on The White. The trip is taken twice a year (hence the term semi-annual) typically when the clocks change. This year the fall trip occurred a little early but not any less deserved. Although this is called a "fishing" trip, this is a time for hubs and 20 of his closets friends and relatives to drink, smoke, cuss, carry on, play cards, not shave for days, and if they have time they may do some fishing.
This trip just gave me one more thing to miss. Sleeping in the same bed as hubs. IT has already been an adjustment to not seeing him during the day, then I had to miss him at night for three nights! The irony of it is that when he is gone, I actually sleep better. I am the type that can pull back the covers and crawl in bed only to wake up in the exact same position as when I laid down. Makes making the bed in the morning very easy. When hubs is here it is not so simple. The covers are all over the place, he tosses, he turns, he snores, I sweat from the heat that radiates off his body. No wonder I don;t sleep well. I do have to admit I tend to stay up later when he is gone, I guess just procrastinating. Funny thing is I get up much earlier too; maybe in preparation for the boys as life is much easier if I am ready before they wake.
So I am torn, miss him and sleep well or have him and sleep poorly. Sleep is overrated I guess; I can sleep when I die.
Family Tree,
Friday, September 19, 2008
The Good Ol Days
Family Tree,
The Boys
The Good Ol Days
Family Tree,
The Boys
Monday, September 15, 2008
On Being A Role Model

Upon passing my second choice for life saving skills I see a number of men and women in scrubs. These folks are evidently on a break and want to enjoy the weather, even it is raining, while they suck on their cancer sticks. Understand that I don't care if they smoke, just don't run around all high and mighty inside that place that pays your bills telling the common folk to stop smoking because it will kill them, and then go out and smoke. Can we say hypocrite?
You could say I am a little biased about the subject of smoking. My mother smoked for up to 30 years. Although she survived breast cancer nearly 15 years ago she is now on to her sixth month of chemo for lung cancer. I know she quit smoking two years ago but what was the point?
My point is, think about what you are doing and who is watching. If you care. Everyone is a role model, with or without kids. I hate having to explain other people's behavior to my boys. Parenting is hard enough people, ease up on me.
On Being A Role Model

Upon passing my second choice for life saving skills I see a number of men and women in scrubs. These folks are evidently on a break and want to enjoy the weather, even it is raining, while they suck on their cancer sticks. Understand that I don't care if they smoke, just don't run around all high and mighty inside that place that pays your bills telling the common folk to stop smoking because it will kill them, and then go out and smoke. Can we say hypocrite?
You could say I am a little biased about the subject of smoking. My mother smoked for up to 30 years. Although she survived breast cancer nearly 15 years ago she is now on to her sixth month of chemo for lung cancer. I know she quit smoking two years ago but what was the point?
My point is, think about what you are doing and who is watching. If you care. Everyone is a role model, with or without kids. I hate having to explain other people's behavior to my boys. Parenting is hard enough people, ease up on me.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Turn Out The Lights The Party's Over
I knew it would happen eventually but I did not realize how soon.Looking back I realize I did not know just how spoiled I was.Working from home for nearly ten years, a girl gets accustomed to a certain “lifestyle”.You know, roll out of bed when the kids come in begging for milk, take the ten step commute to the office and work in my flip flops.I took breaks at the park with the kids and had “staff” meetings at the pool.My staff being the almost two year old intern and 3 year old tenure professor.
Life at the Crooked Tree has changed.I am still Chief Officer Mom but now have other obligations; that actually pay.Hubs and I thought long and hard about whether or not I should go back to the real world. After selling our business last fall I was privileged to take some time and hang out with the boys. During that time I remember thinking how hard I had it.I would be so spent at the end of the week it was all I could do to undress myself for bed.Keeping two small, energetic boys entertained is hard work.Not to mention the other responsibilities that go along with being a stay at home mom.Hubs and I decided the boys needed more structure and stimulation that I was not providing, and I really wanted something for “myself”. So last week I started working for a great non-profit in town as their web and data specialist.I absolutely love the organization, the people, and my job!
I have not given up any of my previous responsibilities; I have merely added more.I now fight traffic that I never knew existed in this town which makes my 8-5 day really 7-6. By the time I get home, it is time to feed, bath and put the boys to bed. I end up falling asleep in Little Man’s bed before he does. I am awakened to him tapping my forehead asking me to tell him a story or talk about his favorite Higgly Town heroes.
This change in lifestyle has provided me a new perspective on things.I once felt that stay at home moms were completed underrated; and I still do. The work of a stay at home mom is never done and she gets little if any recognition.I used to think that being a working gal would be a piece of cake; you get a break every day!You get recognition for your efforts!While that may be true, for me, being a working gal is even harder than a stay at home mom.My work is still never done and not only do I get less time with my family, but much less time for myself.I am so fortunate that to have experienced both sides of motherhood.My hat goes off to all the moms out there, whether at home or the office.I hope the key for all of us will be a routine.The newness will wear off and we will not be so out of sorts.It does not help that Little Man, The Babe, and I are sick.The boys started a new school and brought home some new germs and so did I!The new school had a water pipe break this week so the boys have been home with hubs which is unusual for all of us.How do you working folk do it?How do you find time for you and your family without feeling like someone I getting neglected?
Life at the Crooked Tree has changed.I am still Chief Officer Mom but now have other obligations; that actually pay.Hubs and I thought long and hard about whether or not I should go back to the real world. After selling our business last fall I was privileged to take some time and hang out with the boys. During that time I remember thinking how hard I had it.I would be so spent at the end of the week it was all I could do to undress myself for bed.Keeping two small, energetic boys entertained is hard work.Not to mention the other responsibilities that go along with being a stay at home mom.Hubs and I decided the boys needed more structure and stimulation that I was not providing, and I really wanted something for “myself”. So last week I started working for a great non-profit in town as their web and data specialist.I absolutely love the organization, the people, and my job!
I have not given up any of my previous responsibilities; I have merely added more.I now fight traffic that I never knew existed in this town which makes my 8-5 day really 7-6. By the time I get home, it is time to feed, bath and put the boys to bed. I end up falling asleep in Little Man’s bed before he does. I am awakened to him tapping my forehead asking me to tell him a story or talk about his favorite Higgly Town heroes.
This change in lifestyle has provided me a new perspective on things.I once felt that stay at home moms were completed underrated; and I still do. The work of a stay at home mom is never done and she gets little if any recognition.I used to think that being a working gal would be a piece of cake; you get a break every day!You get recognition for your efforts!While that may be true, for me, being a working gal is even harder than a stay at home mom.My work is still never done and not only do I get less time with my family, but much less time for myself.I am so fortunate that to have experienced both sides of motherhood.My hat goes off to all the moms out there, whether at home or the office.I hope the key for all of us will be a routine.The newness will wear off and we will not be so out of sorts.It does not help that Little Man, The Babe, and I are sick.The boys started a new school and brought home some new germs and so did I!The new school had a water pipe break this week so the boys have been home with hubs which is unusual for all of us.How do you working folk do it?How do you find time for you and your family without feeling like someone I getting neglected?
Turn Out The Lights The Party's Over
I knew it would happen eventually but I did not realize how soon.Looking back I realize I did not know just how spoiled I was.Working from home for nearly ten years, a girl gets accustomed to a certain “lifestyle”.You know, roll out of bed when the kids come in begging for milk, take the ten step commute to the office and work in my flip flops.I took breaks at the park with the kids and had “staff” meetings at the pool.My staff being the almost two year old intern and 3 year old tenure professor.
Life at the Crooked Tree has changed.I am still Chief Officer Mom but now have other obligations; that actually pay.Hubs and I thought long and hard about whether or not I should go back to the real world. After selling our business last fall I was privileged to take some time and hang out with the boys. During that time I remember thinking how hard I had it.I would be so spent at the end of the week it was all I could do to undress myself for bed.Keeping two small, energetic boys entertained is hard work.Not to mention the other responsibilities that go along with being a stay at home mom.Hubs and I decided the boys needed more structure and stimulation that I was not providing, and I really wanted something for “myself”. So last week I started working for a great non-profit in town as their web and data specialist.I absolutely love the organization, the people, and my job!
I have not given up any of my previous responsibilities; I have merely added more.I now fight traffic that I never knew existed in this town which makes my 8-5 day really 7-6. By the time I get home, it is time to feed, bath and put the boys to bed. I end up falling asleep in Little Man’s bed before he does. I am awakened to him tapping my forehead asking me to tell him a story or talk about his favorite Higgly Town heroes.
This change in lifestyle has provided me a new perspective on things.I once felt that stay at home moms were completed underrated; and I still do. The work of a stay at home mom is never done and she gets little if any recognition.I used to think that being a working gal would be a piece of cake; you get a break every day!You get recognition for your efforts!While that may be true, for me, being a working gal is even harder than a stay at home mom.My work is still never done and not only do I get less time with my family, but much less time for myself.I am so fortunate that to have experienced both sides of motherhood.My hat goes off to all the moms out there, whether at home or the office.I hope the key for all of us will be a routine.The newness will wear off and we will not be so out of sorts.It does not help that Little Man, The Babe, and I are sick.The boys started a new school and brought home some new germs and so did I!The new school had a water pipe break this week so the boys have been home with hubs which is unusual for all of us.How do you working folk do it?How do you find time for you and your family without feeling like someone I getting neglected?
Life at the Crooked Tree has changed.I am still Chief Officer Mom but now have other obligations; that actually pay.Hubs and I thought long and hard about whether or not I should go back to the real world. After selling our business last fall I was privileged to take some time and hang out with the boys. During that time I remember thinking how hard I had it.I would be so spent at the end of the week it was all I could do to undress myself for bed.Keeping two small, energetic boys entertained is hard work.Not to mention the other responsibilities that go along with being a stay at home mom.Hubs and I decided the boys needed more structure and stimulation that I was not providing, and I really wanted something for “myself”. So last week I started working for a great non-profit in town as their web and data specialist.I absolutely love the organization, the people, and my job!
I have not given up any of my previous responsibilities; I have merely added more.I now fight traffic that I never knew existed in this town which makes my 8-5 day really 7-6. By the time I get home, it is time to feed, bath and put the boys to bed. I end up falling asleep in Little Man’s bed before he does. I am awakened to him tapping my forehead asking me to tell him a story or talk about his favorite Higgly Town heroes.
This change in lifestyle has provided me a new perspective on things.I once felt that stay at home moms were completed underrated; and I still do. The work of a stay at home mom is never done and she gets little if any recognition.I used to think that being a working gal would be a piece of cake; you get a break every day!You get recognition for your efforts!While that may be true, for me, being a working gal is even harder than a stay at home mom.My work is still never done and not only do I get less time with my family, but much less time for myself.I am so fortunate that to have experienced both sides of motherhood.My hat goes off to all the moms out there, whether at home or the office.I hope the key for all of us will be a routine.The newness will wear off and we will not be so out of sorts.It does not help that Little Man, The Babe, and I are sick.The boys started a new school and brought home some new germs and so did I!The new school had a water pipe break this week so the boys have been home with hubs which is unusual for all of us.How do you working folk do it?How do you find time for you and your family without feeling like someone I getting neglected?
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Word Snob

Maybe it is due to my love affair with words. Maybe it is due to my father hammering in my head the fact that we do not end sentences with prepositions. Maybe it is because I am just a snob.
I had the good fortune to go shopping by myself today. While I was perusing the racks of clothes I overheard a woman on her cell phone. "Where you at?" she asked the person on the other end. "Where you shopping at?" she asked again. Don't get me wrong, I am guilty of many language faux-pas. I do make a conscious effort, however, to eliminate the word "at" from my vocabulary. It is just an unnecessary word. Why could this woman not ask "Where are you shopping"? Asking it in this method accomplishes a couple of things. (1) It does not take any more energy, as she would be using the same amount of words. (2) She would sound so much more intelligent. (Kind of like that old saying "Keep your mouth shut and let them speculate, open it and prove them right", or something like that)
I give my husband a hard time for doing the same sort of thing. I think having children has made me acutely aware of the way I speak, and the way others around us speak. I notice the way Little Man puts his words in order and make a point to correct him if necessary.
This isn't the only thing I have noticed about the use of our beloved language. What ever happened to writing thank you notes or letters? I know how much I love to get snail mail so I can only imagine how it makes others feel. To think that someone took the time to pick out paper or a note card, physically put thoughts together and on paper, and then find a stamp and mail the envelope makes me feel good.
The interesting thing about this is that it does not discriminate. I hear it from reporters on the news, kids at the mall and people working at the bank. Is it that we don't know or we just don't care what we are saying? At this rate, it can only get worse. What are earth are my great grandchildren going to say to me and how are they going to say it? Will they even have an English teacher in school?
Word Snob

Maybe it is due to my love affair with words. Maybe it is due to my father hammering in my head the fact that we do not end sentences with prepositions. Maybe it is because I am just a snob.
I had the good fortune to go shopping by myself today. While I was perusing the racks of clothes I overheard a woman on her cell phone. "Where you at?" she asked the person on the other end. "Where you shopping at?" she asked again. Don't get me wrong, I am guilty of many language faux-pas. I do make a conscious effort, however, to eliminate the word "at" from my vocabulary. It is just an unnecessary word. Why could this woman not ask "Where are you shopping"? Asking it in this method accomplishes a couple of things. (1) It does not take any more energy, as she would be using the same amount of words. (2) She would sound so much more intelligent. (Kind of like that old saying "Keep your mouth shut and let them speculate, open it and prove them right", or something like that)
I give my husband a hard time for doing the same sort of thing. I think having children has made me acutely aware of the way I speak, and the way others around us speak. I notice the way Little Man puts his words in order and make a point to correct him if necessary.
This isn't the only thing I have noticed about the use of our beloved language. What ever happened to writing thank you notes or letters? I know how much I love to get snail mail so I can only imagine how it makes others feel. To think that someone took the time to pick out paper or a note card, physically put thoughts together and on paper, and then find a stamp and mail the envelope makes me feel good.
The interesting thing about this is that it does not discriminate. I hear it from reporters on the news, kids at the mall and people working at the bank. Is it that we don't know or we just don't care what we are saying? At this rate, it can only get worse. What are earth are my great grandchildren going to say to me and how are they going to say it? Will they even have an English teacher in school?
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Take The Long Way Home...
Sometimes you feel like you're part of the scenery
Heading North out of Gulf Shores after a week at the beach. Gustav made for a long drive.
Take The Long Way Home...
Sometimes you feel like you're part of the scenery
Heading North out of Gulf Shores after a week at the beach. Gustav made for a long drive.
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